RISC Software GmbH Apps

Vision is our most important sense, whichmakes visual impairments a heavy burden for affected patients.AmblyoCare offers a variety of individually customizablestimulation methods, which provide a wide range of possibilitiesfor the diagnosis and therapy in the area of early support forinfants and toddlers (ESIT), amblyopia treatment and other visualimpairments. Although the optimal rehabilitation of residual visionis achieved by frequent therapy in early age, AmblyoCare does notonly target infants, but also adults with impaired vision.The target audiences of AmblyoCare are ophthalmologists,orthoptists, ESIT specialists, pediatrists, neurologists, medicalspecialists as well as affected people (application only underprofessional guidance!).AmblyoCare offers the following stimulation methods:- Visual attention test- Moving and static bars (optokinetic nystagmus)- Rotating disc (eccentric fixation)- Visual acuity test with optotypes (tumbling E, Landolt C,…)- Smooth pursuit movements- Saccades- Preferential looking (only with suitable display hardware)AmblyoCare is optimized for mobile devices with a screen size of atleast 7 inches. Using AmblyoCare on smaller devices is possible,but not recommended. In order to use all functions of AmblyoCarewithout restrictions, a license must be purchased via In-Appbilling.Note: Although the user interface of AmblyoCare is available inGerman and English, help and user manual are currently onlyavailable in German, an English version will be added with one ofthe next updates.Explanation of permissions:- Network access: This permission is needed when AmblyoCare is usedwith two separate devices in order to establish a networkconnection between the two devices. No data is transmitted to aserver!- Read & write ext. storage/SD card: This is needed for savingand loading examinations.- Take pictures & videos, record audio, draw over other apps:These permissions are required to allow the usage of the camera inAmblyoCare.- Read phone state and ID & read Google service configuration:These permissions are only used for device identification and thehandling of In-App purchases.- Google Play billing service: This permission is needed for In-Apppurchases.AmblyoCare is developed in the frame of the research projectSEE-KID/CEVD by the RISC Software GmbH, a company owned by theJohannes Kepler University Linz and the Upper Austrian ResearchGmbH. The project is supported by grants of the Upper Austrianlocal government, the convent hospital "Barmherzige Brüder" Linzand the general hospital of Linz (AKH Linz).AmblyoCare is registered in the Austrian register of medicaldevices as an active medical device of class I and is intended fortemporary use with a patient. Using AmblyoCare without medicalsupervision or not corresponding to advices of medicalprofessionals is prohibited! AmblyoCare has the CE marking, whichmeans that it is in compliance with the European Medical DeviceDirective 93/42/EEC and the Austrian medical-device-law BGBl.657/1996 as amended in its current form. The software as well asthe user manual are available in German and English and may only beused in those European countries where one or both of theselanguages is defined as an official language.Please read the user manual (available at www.amblyocare.at)together with the included safety instructions carefully beforeusing AmblyoCare and follow the directions concerning the correctusage of AmblyoCare. The use of AmblyoCare and the user manual isbased on the currently applicable general terms of delivery of theRISC Software GmbH, which can be accessed atwww.risc-software.at/en/agb.
AmblyoCare Visualization
This app can only be used in a reasonable wayin combination with the app “AmblyoCare”, which is also availableon the Play Store. With this app it is possible to present thevarious stimulation methods on a different device than the deviceon which AmblyoCare is running. The connection between “AmblyoCareVisualization” and “AmblyoCare” is established via networkconnection. For this purpose the app needs the network accesspermission.After starting the app, the name and network address of thedevice are shown. Open the settings menu on the other device where“AmblyoCare” is running and select “Connect with VisualizationApplication on Remote Device”. This will bring up a window whereyou can now enter the data of the other device and select “Connect”when you are finished. In order to establish a connection betweenthe devices, both devices have to be in the same network!AmblyoCare is developed in the frame of the research projectSEE-KID/CEVD by the RISC Software GmbH, a company owned by theJohannes Kepler University Linz and the Upper Austrian ResearchGmbH. The project is supported by grants of the Upper Austrianlocal government, the convent hospital "Barmherzige Brüder" Linzand the general hospital of Linz (AKH Linz).AmblyoCare is registered in the Austrian register of medicaldevices as an active medical device of class I and is intended fortemporary use with a patient. Using AmblyoCare without medicalsupervision or not corresponding to advices of medicalprofessionals is prohibited! AmblyoCare has the CE marking, whichmeans that it is in compliance with the European Medical DeviceDirective 93/42/EEC and the Austrian medical-device-law BGBl.657/1996 as amended in its current form. The software as well asthe user manual are available in German and English and may only beused in those European countries where one or both of theselanguages is defined as an official language.Please read the user manual (available at www.amblyocare.at)together with the included safety instructions carefully beforeusing AmblyoCare and follow the directions concerning the correctusage of AmblyoCare. The use of AmblyoCare and the user manual isbased on the currently applicable general terms of delivery of theRISC Software GmbH, which can be accessed atwww.risc-software.at/en/agb.